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Remembering a custom begun by my aunt, I can still visualize her tradition. Every Thanksgiving after the desserts had been enjoyed, aunt Rett would take out her pencil and paper and record the responses to this question: What would you like Santa to bring this year?  For the children, it was an easy question to answer, and some answers were long! But, for the grown-up nieces and nephews who seldom had a request, it wasn't so. Yet, she wanted to have something from Santa for everyone in the family. Ironically, she was the most difficult to buy for as she...

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Healthy, happy feet are amongst the essentials for living life to the fullest.  That sentiment was expressed as a lyric in a song decades ago: "C'mon feet, don't fail me now!"  It is a timeless concern that sometimes becomes more intense as we age.  And, at Valentino's Comfort Shoes we address that concern by offering selections of stylish, well-made, comfort shoes.  Our sales personnel are trained in a variety of ways to assure that our customers leave with happy feet. What are some facts to bear in mind when shopping for footwear that will keep your feet happy? Did you...

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